OFFwind – Offshore Wind Turbine Farms
There is a growing need for the environmentally friendly electricity in the Northern region, due to ongoing industrial expansion including green steel production, new server hall establishments, new planned battery factories, growing number of electrical vehicles.
The offshore areas of the Baltic Bay of Bothnia and Norwegian Sea outside North Norway provide many potential areas for such large-scale green energy producing wind-turbine farms. Nevertheless, there are still many obstacles to be overcome to fully utilize this solution, primarily related to the harsh arctic climate and presence of ice. Project OFFwind, co-funded by European Union as a part of Interreg Aurora, tackles these challenges. Within the project, models and methods will be developed to limit the negative effect of arctic conditions, e.g., deicing techniques, ice-structure interaction, wind and wave forces assessment, as well as using environmentally friendly cementitious materials.
Project owner: YH Novia (Leader Partner EU)
Partners: SINTEF Narvik (Leader Partner Norway), Luleå Tekniska universitet, Tampereen korkeakoulusäätiö, Merinova
Andrzej Cwirzen och Magdalena Rajczakowska

Andrzej Cwirzen
- Professor and Head of Subject
- 0920-493387
- Andrzej Cwirzen
Magdalena Rajczakowska
- Postdoctoral researcher
- 0920-493686
- Magdalena Rajczakowska