Daedalus is conceived to enable the full exploitation of the CPS’ virtualized intelligence concept, through the adoption of a completely distributed automation platform based on IEC-61499 standard, fostering the creation of a Digital Ecosystem that could go beyond the current limits of manufacturing control systems and propose an ever-growing market of innovative solutions for the design, engineering, production and maintenance of plants’ automation.
In this project we are contributing to the most challenging development aspects of the IEC-61499 platform. LTU will also manage the factory-level showcase at AIC3 lab, including demonstration-related activities and overall support to validation of automation platform.
We will lead definition of the project architecture with particular reference to IEC-61499-related parts. Our team will provide support in developing the technological advancements of the platform with particular emphasis on strict-real-time synchronization among distributed controllers.
We will also lead the standardization-related activities.