EXTEND is a Swedish part of the SENDATE project, which is the largest European research project on efficiency of data centres.
The goal of EXTEND is to Improve efficiency and flexibility of deployment, monitoring, operations, maintenance and management of storage, compute, communication and energy supply infrastructure within datacenters and in a distributed cloud.
The LTU effort on EXTEND is lead by Prof. Valeriy Vyatkin.
To address the overall goal, the following topics need to be covered.
- Application software deployment and monitoring
- Inter and intra datacenter transport network control and orchestration
- Datacenter Programmable networks
- Secure and high performance virtual network overlay (SDN) where virtual subnets can be created on the fly in peer-to-peer scenarios
- Securing of end-user experience of services delivered over an SDN network combined with Network Functions Virtualization
- Big data and container platform development and integration
- Performance metrics data & information architecture and database implementation
- Monitoring software platform and measurement probe integration
- Analytics algorithms for prediction and problem detection
- Automated asset positioning and management
- Holistic control and diagnosis for datacenter.
- Cross-layer optimization and integration
In particular, Dr Gulnara Zhabelova and Dr. Arash Mousavi of DCC are involved in workpackages 6 and 7.
WP 6: Datacenter Infrastructure operations and monitoring
Scope: Optimization methods for minimizing total power demand and integration for exchange of relevant information between subsystems. Improved optimization with datacenter integrated monitoring and analytics of performance metrics both physical (energy, cooling) and virtual (IT load, communication).
WP 7: Datacenter Infrastructure control and analysis
Scope: A multivariable control for cooling system and ventilation system and integrate IT load prediction, allocation and load balance control cross-layer to improve efficiency in future datacenters.
Dr Damiano Varagnolo and Dr Olov Schelen are also part of the LTU team working on EXTEND.