About: The rapid advances in ubiquitous computational power, coupled with the opportunities of de-localizing into the Edge functionalities based on Artificial Intelligence, have the potential to give rise to a new generation of service-based industrial automation systems, whose local intelligence (for real-time management and orchestration of manufacturing tasks) can be dynamically linked to runtime functionalities residing in the Fog or the Cloud. This is leading to large networks of intelligent systems, interacting both at the physical level to solve coordinated tasks and at the digital level, exchanging information that guarantees intrinsic robustness and reliability to their emerging behaviors. These “Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems” (CPSoS) must adopt new methodological and technological solutions to sustain the progressive blurring of borders between the physical shop floors and the cyber-world.
1-SWARM tackles the issues of CPSoS considering the specificities of an industrial sector (large-scale distribution and logistics networks) where the entanglement of CPS functionalities happens at several levels, potentially across different steps of the corresponding value chain. The total robustness of the overarching system must arise both as emerging property due to the autonomic skills of single groups of CPS but also thanks to higher layers of orchestrating intelligence, including humans within the decision-making workflows.
LTU Role in 1-SWARM: LTU supervised the methodological improvement activities related to the project's DevOps Framework, with a specific focus on formal modeling and verification of automation software developed for CPSoS.