Tacit – a research journey into the methods, processes and knowledge of graphic designers
Halldór Halldórsson, doctoral student in design, is producing Sweden's very first dissertation in graphic design. In his work, he explores the potential effects that digitisation has had on graphic design methods.
The thesis aims to bring to light some of the tacit knowledge that graphic designers possess, in order to show that it can both be externalised and disseminated. The work shows that the hitherto largely hidden knowledge of graphic designers can be uncovered and made more accessible, strengthening the professional identity of designers and making the field more approachable to students. Furthermore, using versatile approaches in a design project can encourage conceptual development and even professional enjoyment, as well as increasing historical awareness.
The thesis uses an experimental approach in the design of research methods, contributing to the development of the field of graphic design research methodology. In addition to its contribution to our understanding of graphic design knowledge, this work opens up to further exploration of methods, identity and the definition of the profession’s taxonomy.