Research projects on Design for value creation
Current projects
Arctic placemaking
Re:Think Youth Lab - about Luleå 2040 and the green transition
Re:Think Youth Lab is a collaborative project that aims to strengthen the ability of Luleå municipality and other actors to navigate the green transition by engaging young people in speculative design processes.
HeartSmart: Using design co-creation to develop healthier cities
A deeper understanding on how smart city design can lead to a healthier city, for its inhabitants, business owners, and visitors.
GENGREEN – Supporting Nordic Female Entrepreneurs in Launching Green Business
GENGREEN is all about closing the Small-Business and Gender Gap through education for green sustainable and competitive growth. Its main objective is to support 50 female entrepreneurs spread across Southern and Central Ostrobothnia, Lapland, Norrbotten, Tromsø, and Finnmark to launch green business...
Situated synergies for co-design of attractive living environments
Minna Eronen, doctoral student in design, is interested in co-design of living environments. Especially, the dimensions and potential of the shared material and immaterial spaces where the various design professionals and the everyday people, the citizens can meet and create.
Nordic Innovative Living
Nordic Innovative Living is a research project, during 2022–2024, that aims to create modern, attractive and smart homes that have every imaginable comfort without affecting the environment or the wallet in a negative way.
Completed projects
SICTA ahead: behavioural design in children's mobility environments
The project SICTA forward: behavioural design in children's mobility environments has aimed to explo...
Gender in ICT research organisations
The project “A gender perspective on ICT research organizations and processes of change" is studying...
Gender and equality development in the Faste Laboratory
The project relates to gender and gender equality work in the Faste Laboratory - a VINNOVA Excellenc...
Personalization of flexible driver information – EFESOS DRIVI
Technological advancements turns our cars more and more similar to our computers or smartphones that...
Optimal Ergonomics for Cleaning Processes Methods and Cleaning Equipment
Cleaners have many work-related problems and declining occupational health, which leads to occupatio...
Design expertise in product development – a study of small wood manufacturing companies
The need to increase profit is large in many small wood manufacturing companies throughout Sweden. T...
The concept factory – visualisation as a method for designing workplaces
The difficulty of communicating and getting messages across is a problem in work environment managem...
Staff shortage is a bottleneck for local slaughterhouses and thus an obstacle for entrepreneurial id...
Tacit – a research journey into the methods, processes and knowledge of graphic designers
Halldór Halldórsson, doctoral student in design, is producing Sweden's very first dissertation in gr...
Ice safety in reindeer herding
The risks for Sami reindeer herders who use snow and ice tracks every day are increased by global wa...
Design as a development force
Design as a development force is a national study on ways of thinking and working for society's tran...
Attractive living-environments in the north
On behalf of Region Norrbotten, knowledge about attractive living environments in the north has been...
A place to live – co-created, inclusive and attractive living environments
The project "People-Tools-Process-Place" develops knowledge and tools for accessible and attractive ...