Electrical Power Center North in Skellefteå
The Electrical Power Center North is meant to serve as a platform and a forum where research on issues relevant to the electric power industry are raised.
The Centre's role will be to serve as a bridge between academic research and education carried out by Luleå University of technology at Campus Skellefteå, and stakeholders from the industry and society. Initially, the work will focus on setting up a Council where representatives from the electric power group at LTU, electricity grid companies, the industry, and the municipality, jointly set up a program with the objective of strengthening research in and around Skellefteå, and focusing on issues that specifically relate to Northern Sweden. Step two will be to increase the contact area towards other stakeholders e.g. additional power companies, small and medium sized industries, big industries, but also to the public.
Funding: Rönnbäret Foundation, Skellefteå Municipality.
Project participants: Sarah Rönnberg, Math Bollen.