Research projects on Electric Power Engineering
Current projects
Hosting capacity for transmission grids with flexibility solutions
This project is about transmission networks (130 kV and above) and about their limitations when hosting new consumption and production. The aim is to remove those limitations, using flexibility solutions, without the long lead times involved in building new transmission lines, and to describe the li...
Recycling of solar panels
The lifespan of solar panels is 25-30 years. As the amount of solar panels has increased significantly in Sweden, they will cause a lot of waste. The aim is to convert the silicon-based solar panels into sand.
Trends in voltage dips and switching transients in future electricity networks
Voltage dips and coupling transients are two important types of disturbances for industrial customers, but also for other customers and for electricity network companies. Much of the knowledge about these has been accumulated during the 1990s and the knowledge has not kept up with all the changes in...
Flexibility and acceptance limit
Increasing the flexibility of consumption and production in the power system is important to enable the green transition. Deterministic and stochastic methods will be used and evaluated to find an acceptance limit for different types or combinations of flexibility. To validate the results, measureme...
Increased flexibility with optimized management of energy resources in local energy systems
This project will explore how the use of energy resources in local energy systems can be optimized without sacrificing security of supply or quality of supply.
Effect of grid events on nuclear power plant equipment
Faults and connections in the main electricity network cause voltage changes such as voltage drops and switching transients on appliances even if they are connected at lower voltage levels.
IoT-based wireless charging of electric cars (SEAWALL)
This project studies electric cars with wireless charging and IoT (Internet of Things). The goal is to optimize charging while reducing power quality issues.
Flexibility and hosting capacity
Increasing the flexibility of production and consumption in the power system is important to enable the green transition. Deterministic and stochastic methods will be used and evaluated to find the hosting capacity for different types or combinations of flexibility. To validate the results, measurem...
A stochastic approach to market barriers set by the power grid
Bottlenecks in the electricity grid limit the functionality of the electricity markets and they can lead to high prices. This project aims to quantify the risks that the market in combination with unforeseen component failure and forecast errors will lead to overload, major supply interruptions, etc...
Vendor Independent Substation Automation over 5G
Digitization in critical infrastructure brings special challenges and the need for new, reliable solutions. With 5G arises the possibility to create local private networks for secure and fast data exchange. Both centralised and distributed automation architectures can be envisioned in this scenario,...
Accelerated ageing and voltage disturbances – need, possibilities and limitations
Standard aging tests use an ideal voltage with a constant amplitude and limited distortion. The aging of lighting equipment due to voltage disturbances is not included in the tests in this way.
Harmonics in low-voltage urban networks
This project aims at increasing the general level of knowledge and understanding of harmonic levels in low-voltage networks in Swedish urban environments.
Electrical infrastructure for electric aircrafts between the cities of Northern Sweden
During the project, an assessment will be made of what electrical infrastructure is needed to enable the use of aircraft powered by electric motors ("electric aircraft") to fly between the cities in northern Sweden and neighbouring areas in Norway and Finland.
Flicker-free lighting, influence of supply voltage
The quality of the light from a light source and how we perceive the stability of the light (flicker) depends not only on the design of the lamp but also on the quality of the voltage supplying the lamp.
Map the risks and quantify how DC components impact residual circuit breaker operation
The project will map the risks and quantify how DC components (including frequencies well below 50 Hz, quasi-DC components) can lead to a situation where a residual circuit breaker does not operate when needed.
Hosting Capacity of Distribution Networks
Within the project, further developments will take place of the so-called hosting-capacity method for calculating the amount of solar power that can be connected to an electricity distribution network.
The effect of electric vehicles on waveform distortion in different types of low voltage networks
The project studies and quantifies changes in waveform distortion with large-scale use of electric vehicle charging in different types of low voltage networks.
Feasibility study: C4ccc, Concept for Challenging Charging Context
During this feasibility study, a plan will be developed to create a worldclass test environment for integration tests and validation of electromobility, as well as how society can and should use the already established test environment for testing around Arjeplog for research, innovation and develop...
Block chain applications in smart grids
This project combines the knowledge on (smart) grids in the Electric Power Engineering group with the knowledge on IT security in the Pervasive and Mobile Computing group.
Operational risk assessment of transmission systems
It is important to avoid supply interruptions and large-scale blackouts at transmission level. This is done during transmission-system planning and during transmission-system operation.
Stochastic models for protection in case of dynamic rating of cables and transformers
This project combines the stochastic approach to dynamic line rating developed in a previous project with thermal and aging models for transformers and cables.
Geomagnetically-induced currents and harmonics
The same currents, high in the upper atmosphere, that result in the northern lights, also results in the so-called geomagnetically-induced currents (GICs) through long power lines.
Fast track education on electric power engineering
The electric power engineering group is responsible for a six-month fast-track education on behalf of the Swedish Public Employment Service, Arbetsförmedlingen.
Sustainable and flexible electricity use for the future
This project focuses on the design of eliciting methods of information to characterize the behaviour of the consumers, with emphasis on the limiting factors for an efficient and flexible use of the electricity.
Waveform distortion below 150 kHz
It has been established that harmonics occur in the railway power supply. Harmonics consist of voltage and current with a frequency other than the fundamental frequency (16.7 Hz). Due to the presence of harmonics in the power supply, the voltage and current waveforms are distorted and deviate from t...
Measurement method for frequencies below 150 kHz for approval of railway vehicles
The cost for testing new vehicles can be up to 100,000 Euros. This cost can significantly reduce by a suitable measurement method for assessing the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) with the railway network.
Methods for estimating the hosting capacity
Estimating the hosting capacity is a way of assessing how much new production or consumption (like solar power or electric vehicle charging) can be connected to an electricity grid.
Flexibility pricing and economic incentives on supporting the electricity network
The project aims to study the resources of flexibility and their economic incentives for investors in an electricity market.
Hydrogen, energy system and infrastructure in Northern Scandinavia and Finland − pre-study
In light of the large hydrogen related projects, for production as well as consumption, planned around the Gulf of Bothnia, the question has been raised as to whether a hydrogen infrastructure in interaction with electricity networks could provide socio-economic and business economic benefits.
Smart asphalts and concrete for wireless charging of electrical vehicles
The aim of this pre-study is to verify a novel concept based on an application of conductive concrete and/or asphalt to “print conductive coils” for wireless (inductive) electric road systems (ERS).
Digital urban development - Campus Skellefteå
The project's main idea is to connect world-class research with innovative high-tech companies and the public sector and develop innovative and ground-breaking technical solutions for energy management systems with simulation tools and digital twins.
Pre-study: Test methods for conducted and radiated electromagnetic interference from charging
The electrification of transport causes installations of charging of batteries. They can disturb electromagnetically other devices. This pre-study comprises a literature review, measurements, and contact with various stakeholders.
Completed projects
Harmonics in the low voltage network due to connection of solar panels
The connection of solar power to the existing low voltage electricity network will affect its perfor...
Stochastic planning of smart electricity distribution networks
Stochastic models will be developed for existing and future production and consumption connected to ...
Extracting information from voltage-dip monitoring
The amount of data from power quality monitors is increasing very fast and automatic analysis method...
Operation of large power systems with small amounts of physical inertia
The introduction of renewable electricity production results in a reduction of the amount of inertia...
Spread of supraharmonics (2-150 kHz) in the low-voltage network
The interest in voltage and current distortion the frequency range 2 – 150 kHz is big, especially in...
Risk assessment of variations in light intensity in LED street lighting for traffic safety
Street lighting plays an important role in road safety. It may possibly be jeopardized by variations...
Harmonic distortion and wind-power installations
The introduction of wind power will affect the harmonic levels in several ways: emission at higher f...
Evaluation of test setups and characteristics of test signals for immunity test of light products
Emission, propagation and impact of distortion from appliances containing power electronics is today...
Large-scale connection of single-phase inverters for solar panels in low voltage networks
Single-phase connection of solar power to the low voltage electricity network will affect the grid p...
Electrical Power Center North in Skellefteå
The Electrical Power Center North is meant to serve as a platform and a forum where research on issu...
Power system stability with both rotary and static interfaces against production and consumption
There is an on-going shift in electric power systems from rotating towards static interfaces with bo...
Interaction between solar panels and energy-efficient lighting
This project concerns new types of power-quality phenomena that occur in installations with both sol...
The impact of demand response in smart homes on the electricity grid
Demand response in homes with electric heating (direct-acting or heat pump) has a great potential an...
Smart Community Energy Management System: Dynamic Hosting Capacity
This project aims to develop an Energy Management System (EMS) for a Community with high amounts of ...
Choice of supply voltage for electrified roads
Electrified roads are a way to solve the need for fossil-free transport. For large and heavy vehicle...
Datacenters and other energy-intensive industries, renewable production and the electricity market
The project aims at conducting a preliminary study on the establishment of datacenters and other ene...
Impact of supraharmonics on cable terminations
The goal of this project is to collect and map (summarize) knowledge about overtones in relation to ...
Voltage dip characteristics for improved fault-ride-through of wind-power installations
This project combines knowledge on power quality (specifically voltage dips) with knowledge of wind ...
Economic incentives in microgrids, subtransmission and transmission grids - an orientation study
This project will focus on financial incentives towards the customers in power grids at different le...
Electromobility, electric vehicle integration in the north
Harmonics and switching transients in wind parks – towards a better understanding of measurements
This project is aimed at harmonics and switching overvoltages in and near wind farms connected to hi...
Voltage dip characterization
Cooperation has started between Luleå University of Technology and Sichuan University, Chengdu, Chin...
Instability and non-linear interaction in low-voltage installations with multiple active converters
Many possible designs of renewable energy systems contain a large proportion of equipment with activ...
Interaction between charging infrastructure with electro-mobility and the electricity grid
A synthesis will be made of the knowledge on interaction between charging infrastructure and the pow...
Sunny agriculture in North
This project will increase knowledge about the production and storage of solar electricity in agricu...