Electromobility, electric vehicle integration in the north
The electric power engineering group at Luleå University of Technology in Skellefteå has conducted several successful projects where the integration of solar power into low-voltage networks has been studied. Challenges related to solar power have many similarities with electric vehicle charging and knowledge and experiences from previous projects can be used for issues concerning the integration of electric vehicle charging and its infrastructure. The electric power engineering group has recently started a project, financed by the Swedish Energy Agency, where a compilation of existing knowledge and knowledge needs will be made about the consequences for the power system of large-scale transition to electromobility.
The goal of this project is to identify in more detail the specific power system challenges that exist with electromobility in northern Sweden compared to the rest of Sweden and Europe, and what needs are there for specific solutions. Some issues relating specifically to northern Sweden will be highlighted in this project, as it is Arctic climates and long distances (sparsely populated areas) that are expected to contribute most to the specific challenges.
Funding: Rönnbäret Foundation.
Project participants: Math Bollen, Tatiano Busatto, Shimi Sudha Letha.