Extracting information from voltage-dip monitoring
The amount of data from power quality monitors is increasing very fast and automatic analysis methods are needed to handle the data and to extract relevant information. Two types of information from voltage-dip recordings will be studied: information on the potential impact of the dip on equipment; information on the underlying cause of the dip and about the power system before, during and immediately after the dip.
A study will be performed after voltage dip characteristics that they describe the potential impact of the dip on equipment connected to the grid. A further study will be performed aimed at setting up a framework for automatic analysis of data from permanent voltage-dip monitoring.
Results to be obtained from the project are, among others: a statistical model for the propagation of voltage dips; models for the behavior of equipment during voltage dips, recommendations on voltage-dip characteristics, and a framework for the automatic analysis of voltage-dip recordings.
Funding: Swedish Energy Agency; Swedish Transport Administration; Energiforsk.
Collaboration: Vattenfall; Göteborg Energi; Skellefteå Kraft; Svenska Kraftnät; Trafikverket; Metrum.
Project participants: Azam Bagheri; Math Bollen; Martin Lundmark.