Feasibility study: C4ccc, Concept for Challenging Charging Context
During this feasibility study, a plan will be developed to create a worldclass test environment for integration tests and validation of electromobility, as well as how society can and should use the already established test environment for testing around Arjeplog for research, innovation and development work in electromobility.
The study will be conducted by five senior researchers at Luleå University of Technology, together with a steering group led by the Swedish Proving Ground Association. The preliminary study consists of four activities, which are linked to different parts of the intended test environment. Within Roadmap, initial research needs and innovation opportunities will be identified. Within Display Window a problem-based demonstration project will be defined around the use of battery storage with fast charging to strengthen the power grid. An R&D platform will be created around the winter test region. A world-leading high power-charging environment will be created.
Funding: Swedish Energy Agency.
Project participants: Math Bollen, Shimi Sudha Letha, Nicholas Etherden, Sarah Rönnberg, Manuel Alvarez.