Harmonic distortion and wind-power installations
The introduction of wind power will affect the harmonic levels in several ways: emission at higher frequencies than is usual; resonances at lower frequencies than is usual; increasing source impedance in transmission networks. The goal of this project is to gain a better understanding of these phenomena and to develop tools to assess their severity.
The first part of the project, which led to a licentiate degree in June 2012, was directed at measuring the emission from individual wind turbines, and simulation of emission from the wind farms. During the second part of the project, which will lead to a PhD at the end of 2014, this will be deepened and the project will be extended towards harmonic levels in transmissions networks with large amounts of wind power.
Funding: Elforsk, Swedish Energy Agency, Skellefteå Kraft, ABB.
Project participants: Daphne Schwanz, Math Bollen, Mats Wahlberg, Anders Larsson.
Collaboration: Vattenfall R&D, Svensk Energi, Pite Energi, Dong Energy.