Harmonics in low-voltage urban networks
This project aims at increasing the general level of knowledge and understanding of harmonic levels in low-voltage networks in Swedish urban environments.
Measurements and studies will be carried out in a number of Swedish cities to map existing levels. The measurements will be compared with model calculations to explain the levels in relation to knowledge of loads and networks. The models will also be combined with expected developments in terms of new production and consumption in order to estimate the levels in 10 to 20 years. This will in turn provide a basis for recommendations to Swedish network operators on how to handle harmonics in urban networks.
Project participants: Naser Nakhodchi, Tatiano Busatto, Angela Espin-Delgado, Math Bollen, Sarah Rönnberg.
Funding: Göteborg Energis Forskningsstiftelse, Umeå Energi, and Energiforsk.
Collaboration: Skellefteå Kraft Elnät.