Harmonics in the low voltage network due to connection of solar panels
The connection of solar power to the existing low voltage electricity network will affect its performance in a number of ways. Impact on the distortion of the waveform has not been sufficiently studied but when introducing smart-grid technology to allow the connection of more solar power, there will often be situations where harmonic levels become unacceptable.
In addition to the usual voltage variations (10 minutes RMS values) also the fact that the voltage waveform becomes distorted should be considered in studies.
In this project, measurements and calculations will be performed to assess how the distortion will change under connection of increased amounts of solar power connected to the low voltage network. Calculation methods will be developed and applied on two low voltage networks in Sweden. Both harmonics (below 2 kHz) and supraharmonics (above 2 kHz) will be studied.
The project will provide quantitative information on the expected distortion in low-voltage networks with large amount of solar power, as well as the basis for assessing the need of measures to limit the distortion.
Funding: Energiforsk.
Collaboration: STRI.
Project participants: Tatiano Busatto; Math Bollen; Daphne Schwanz; Sarah Rönnberg.