Hosting Capacity of Distribution Networks
Within the project, further developments will take place of the so-called hosting-capacity method for calculating the amount of solar power that can be connected to an electricity distribution network.
Within the project, further developments will take place of the so-called hosting-capacity method for calculating the amount of solar power that can be connected to an electricity distribution network. The method was developed within a European project, EU-deep, 2004 and is used by several network companies and regulators around the world. The project will:
- make the methodology for hosting-capacity calculation available to network companies through a platform that performs calculations on standardized network models introduced in Europe (CGMES)
- develop how stochastic parameters are calculated in those calculations to create transparency and
- develop a methodology for examining the resilience of medium-voltage networks for large amounts of solar by quantifying the hosting capacity during operation with alternative supply paths.
Funding: Swedish Energy Agency.
Collaboration: CREATERNITY.
Project participants: Tais Tavares de Oliveira, Enock Mulenga, Nicholas Etherden, Math Bollen.