Instability and non-linear interaction in low-voltage installations with multiple active converters
Many possible designs of renewable energy systems contain a large proportion of equipment with active power electronics converters. Understanding the challenges that arise with multiple active converters and taking care of those challenges is therefore important to ensure a robust energy system.
A major challenge is the risk of high harmonic levels and instability (resulting in the system to be disconnected or damaged) due to nonlinear interaction. The project team will work together to advance the research front with regard to waveform distortion in installations with several active power electronics converters. The focus of the project is on nonlinear phenomena and the risk of instability in low voltage installations. Experiments will be performed in the lab environment as well as in a microgrid during island operation. Simulations will be performed to reproduce and explain results from experiments; methods will be developed to detect and quantify nonlinear interaction.
Project participants: Vineetha Ravindran; Tatiano Busatto; Angela Espin-Delgado; Sarah Rönnberg; Math Bollen.
Funding: Swedish Energy Agency.