Methods for estimating the hosting capacity
Estimating the hosting capacity is a way of assessing how much new production or consumption (like solar power or electric vehicle charging) can be connected to an electricity grid.
The electric-power-engineering group at Luleå University of Technology has worked on a number of projects on hosting capacity, including two previous and one ongoing PhD project. This project will package and disseminate the knowledge from these previous projects in a way that is useful for the electricity network operators to plan for a high proportion of customers with solar power and / or electric vehicle charging. A handbook will be written on hosting capacity calculations aimed at Swedish network operators; there will be a detailed description of a number of methods (both deterministic and stochastic) with case studies, as well as guidelines for implementation and interpretation of the calculation results. The methods will be made available in the form of easy-to-use open source code. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with an industrial reference group.
Funding: Energiforsk.
Project participants: Enock Mulenga, Tais Tavares de Oliveira, Nicholas Etherden, Math Bollen.