Spread of supraharmonics (2-150 kHz) in the low-voltage network
The interest in voltage and current distortion the frequency range 2 – 150 kHz is big, especially in standard-setting organisations. The amount of research results and on-going results in this frequency range is limited, but growing.
The electric power engineering group at Luleå University of Technology started research on this subject in 2004 and has somewhat obtained the status of global research leader on this. The aim of this project is to further develop this status by modelling and studying the spread of emission from three different sources in the low-voltage network: remnants of the active switching of power-electronic converters; oscillations around the current zero-crossing; power-line-communication signals.
Funding: Swedish Energy Agency, Energiforsk.
Project participants: Sarah Rönnberg, Math Bollen.
Collaboration: University of Cordoba.