Sustainable and flexible electricity use for the future
This project focuses on the design of eliciting methods of information to characterize the behaviour of the consumers, with emphasis on the limiting factors for an efficient and flexible use of the electricity.
The municipality of Skellefteå population growth will drive the increase of the demand for services including electricity.
There is a lack of operational flexibility services to host more renewable production to supply commercial and residential customers in the future.
Pursuing an efficient and flexible use of the electricity, energy management systems (EMSs) are expected to perform automated actions on behalf of the electricity consumers; knowledge about the consumers’ preferences and behavior is required.
Electric vehicles, rooftop PV panels, and other smart grid technologies can be coupled to an energy management system. Also, EMSs can be implemented in other infrastructures such as shopping malls, airports, and in public transportation.
Funding: Rönnbäret Foundation.
Project participant: Manuel Alvarez.