The effect of electric vehicles on waveform distortion in different types of low voltage networks
The project studies and quantifies changes in waveform distortion with large-scale use of electric vehicle charging in different types of low voltage networks.
The project studies and quantifies changes in waveform distortion with large-scale use of electric vehicle charging in different types of low voltage networks. A division will be made between rural networks characterized by long cable lengths with few customers and urban networks where the distances are shorter and the number of connected customers is more. It will also be distinguished between grids where the dominant load consists of households and grids with predominantly office or commercial activities, as the waveform distortion looks different and varies on different time scales between these types. Hosting capacity calculations will be made to determine under what conditions, in which types of grids, that waveform distortion can become a limiting factor for connecting electric vehicle chargers.
Funding: Swedish Energy Agency.
Project participants: Naser Nakhodchi, Vineetha Ravindran, Sarah Rönnberg, Math Bollen.