Voltage dip characterization
Cooperation has started between Luleå University of Technology and Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. The cooperation aims at developing new standardized methods for characterizing voltage dips.
Such methods exist currently only for magnitude and duration of voltage dips, but not for other characteristics like phase-angle jump, point-on-wave or three-phase unbalance. Several research projects towards such new characteristics have been done in various countries, with a lot of the expertise being concentrated in our two universities.
The results from this cooperation will be input to the work on voltage-dip characterization recently started within IEEE and will also be presented to IEC for inclusion in IEC 61000-4-30.
Funding: Skellefteå Kraft.
Project participants: Roger Oliveira; Math Bollen; Ying Wang (Sichuan University).
Collaboration: Sichuan University; IEEE.