Photoacoustic Laboratory
Location: building A, room A2522
Description: Current projects include photoacoustic techniques for tomographic studies. We are particularly interested in the integration of transmitter and detector in the same sensor.
Multimodal technology and functionalized measurements
We are investigating how to make the technology multimodal, ie, using both light and sound as an information carrier to characterize a material as well as functionalising the measurement results, ie, extracting information other than just the position from the combination of sound and light.
The lab is equpped with a Q-switched Nd-YAG laser, frequency doubled, operating at wavelengths 532 nm and 1064 nm, as well as various optical components, linear and rotary stages, oscilloscopes, ultrasound transducers amplifiers and other equipment.
Monte Carlo simulations
Another branch is advanced Monte Carlo simulations of light scattering in fibrous and other light scattering materials. In the simulations, we consider light scattering both from particles smaller than the wavelength of light and from structures that are much larger than the wavelength of light..
In the simulations, light intensity and polarization are calculated. The simulations are the basis to investigate whether scattered or transmitted light can for example be used to determine the fiber directions in a variety of paper materials. Other application areas exists also.
The Photo Acoustics Laboratory was opened in 2008 and is likely LTU's smallest laboratory, just spacious 10 square meters.
Torbjörn Löfqvist
- Associate Professor
- 0920-491777
- Torbjörn Löfqvist
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