Licentiate theses
Below is a list of the licentiate theses published on the subject of Energy Engineering.
- 2024 Hu, H. Confining ionic liquids to develop high-performance quasi-solid-state composite electrolytes
- 2024 Foorginezhad, S. CO2 capture through integration of aqueous and immobilized deep eutectic solvents
- 2024 Pachchigar, S. Ash transformation during thermochemical conversion of agricultural biomass in entrained flow conditions
- 2024 Sobha, P. Future energy landscapes in northern Sweden: Sustainable transition scenarios for municipalities
- 2023 Li, J. Constructing Poly(Ionic Liquid)s - Based composite solid state electrolytes and application in lithium metal batteries
- 2022 Li, F. CO2 electrochemical reduction: Techno-economic evaluation and experimental research for producing methanol
- 2022 Bagheri, M. Integrated sewage sludge treatment scenarios – techno-economic analysis on energy and phosphorus recovery
- 2022 Valizadeh, A. The effect of surface morphology on bed particle layer characteristics in fluidized bed combustion and gasification of woody biomass
- 2022 Tayebeh, T. Development of flue gas treatment for small-scale boilers with a focus on particulate matters purification
- 2022 Papafilippou, N. Modelling of Biomass Syngas Combustion with CFD
- 2022 Dal Belo Takehara, M. Experimental analysis of a pulverized biomass-fired entrained flow reactor under imposed acoustic oscillations
- 2021 Sundberg, P. Implication of pellet quality on combustion performance
- 2021Wang, N. CO2 Separation - from Aqueous Amine Solvent to Ionic Liquid-based solvent
- 2021 Forsberg, J. Energy transition in transportation: Applying TIMES-based energy system optimisation models to sub-national levels
- 2021 Nwachukwu, C. M. Utilising forest biomass in iron and steel production – Investigating supply chain and competition aspects
- 2020 Hannl, T. K. Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge fluidized bed gasification processes
- 2020 Lundqvist, P. The indoor thermal climate in residential buildings after energy efficiency measures in a subarctic climate
- 2020 Häggström, G. Experimental studies of ash transformation processes in thermochemical conversion of P-rich biomass and sludge
- 2020 Hedayati, A. Ash transformation in single-pellet combustion and gasification of biomass with special focus on phosphorus
- 2020 Sun, Y. Modeling ionic liquids with ePC-SAFT ─ properties and gas solubilities
- 2020 Fischer, R. Investigation into sustainable energy systems in Nordic municipalities
- 2020 Jayawickrama, T., R. Particle-fluid interactions under heterogeneous reactions
- 2020 Sandberg, E. Capturing Swedish industry transition towards carbon neutrality in a national energy system model
- 2019 Llamas, A, D. G. Fast devolatilization of biomass: An experimental study using high-speed imaging, relevant for suspension firing technologies
- 2019 Ma, C. Development of low-cost ionic liquids based technology for CO2 separation
External link.
- 2018 Falk, J. Effect of fuel composition and combustion conditions on phosphorus behavior during combustion of biomass
- 2018 Phounglamcheik, A. Biocarbon for fossil coal replacement
- 2018 Jafari, P. H. Numerical Modeling of Cyclone Gasification
- 2018 Zetterholm, J. Forest Based Biorefinery Supply Chains – Identification and Evaluation of Economic, CO2 and Resource Efficiency
- 2018 Sefidari, H. Mechanisms of Deposit Formation in the Grate-kiln Process
- 2016 Jafri, Y. Entrained-Flow Gasification of Black Liquor and Pyrolysis Oil: Experimental and Equilibrium Modelling Studies of Catalytic Co-gasification
- 2016 Bach Oller, A. Co-gasification of black liquor and pyrolysis oil: Fuel conversion and activity of alkali
- 2015 He, H. Layer formation on quartz particles during fluidized bed combustion/gasification of woody biomass
- 2015 Risberg, D. CFD simulation of indoor climate in low energy buildings
- 2014 Lingebrant, P. Application of Process Integration for Electric Arc Steelmaking
- 2014 Vesterlund, M. District heating system analysis within the urban transformation of Kiruna
- 2014 Mesfun, S. Design of integrated industrial sites based on Kraft pulp and paper mills
- 2014 Xie, Y. CO2 Separation with Ionic Liquids -Property, Gas solubility and Energy consumption
- 2014 Ma, C. Slag Formation During Pilot-Scale Pressurised Entrained-Flow Gasification of Woody Biomass
- 2013 Jonsson, C. Deposit formation in the grate-kiln process
- 2013 Andersson, J. Techno-economic analysis of integrated biomass gasification for green chemical production
- 2012 Andersson, J.-O. Improving energy use in sawmills: from drying kilns to national impact
- 2012 Näzelius, I.-L. Influence of peat addition to biomass pellets on combustion characteristics in residential
- 2012 Etherden, N. Increasing the hosting capacity of distributed energy resources using storage and communication
- 2012 Yang, K. Wind-turbine harmonic emissions and propagation through a wind farm
- 2011 Sandberg, J. Process integration as a tool for energy systems analysis: application to LKAB in Kiruna
- 2011 Nordgren, D. Experimental studies of pulverised biomass combustion: Impacts on ash transformations and process temperature
- 2011 Göktepe, B. Interaction of sound waves with a swirl stabilized wood powder flame and their effects on flame characteristics
- 2011 Risberg, M. Black liquor gasification: burner characteristics and syngas cooling
- 2011 Rönnberg, S. Power line communication and customer equipment
- 2010 Nordgren, S. Energy analysis of pelletising in a straight grate induration furnace
- 2009 Carlsson, P. Entrained flow black liquor gasification: detailed experiments and mathematical modelling
- 2007 Ryman, C. On the use of process integration methods: evaluation of energy and CO2 emission strategies in blast furnace ironmaking and oxygen steelmaking
- 2006 Lundmark, M., High-frequency noise in power grids, neutral and protective earth
- 2006 Larsson, A. High frequency distortion in power grids due to electronic equipment
- 2005 Wang, C. Climate change mitigation through CDM: bioenergy technology and energy efficiency in the steel industry
- 2005 Ilskog, E. And then they lived sustainably ever after?: Part I, experiences from rural electrification in Tanzania, Zambia and Kenya
- 2005 Eriksson, G. Combustion of solid waste from wood-based ethanol production
- 2004 Lindberg, J., Experiments and simulations of lean methane combustion
- 2004 Leduc, S. Study of the reduction of particle emissions and borate black liquor gasification in bioenergy systems
- 2003 Wiinikka, H. Particle emissions from wood pellet combustion
- 2003 Larsson, M. Analysis and optimisation of energy and environmental performance of an integrated steel plant by process integration
- 2002 Lundgren, J. Performance of a new wood-chips fired boiler for small district heating systems
- 2001 Johansson, L. The open absorption system: energy savings in different applications
- 1999 Salman, H. Biomass feeding system for a cyclone gasifier
- 1999 Hökfors, C. Application of multivariate methods for emission minimization and process optimization in industrial boilers
- 1999 Sundqvist, T.Title?
- 1998 Gabra, M. Bagasse gasification in a cyclone gasifier
- 1996 Veber, P. Studies of the flow pattern in short term hot water storages
- 1996 Fredriksson, C. Cyclone gasification of wood powder
- 1991 Westerlund, L. The open absorption system: experimental study of the system and different absorbers
- 1989 Hermansson, R. Short term water heat storage: an experimental investigation of thermal stratification
- 1989 Dahl, J. Short term water heat storage: experimental study of temperatures and velocities