- Norwegian metallurgical industries (aluminium, silicon, etc.) requires solid carbon for their production process. Biocarbon is thought to be one of the most promising solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emission from such processes.
- In previous R&D projects, an innovative bio-carbon production process was scaled up from one biomass particle to 100kg/day). Both fundamental and applied knowledge is needed for a further scale-up to 30-50 000 ton/year production.
- Broadening the biomass resource base.
- Identifying enhanced biocarbon production processes and scale-up requirements.
- Developing methods to upgrade biocarbon and bio-oil for specific metallurgical processes.
Funding: Research Council of Norway (total budget 18.3 MNOK, LTU EnE: 630 kNOK)
Partners: SINTEF Energy, SINTEF Industry, Research Center for Natur. Sci. (Hangary), Uni. Hawaii, NTNU, NIBIO, Luleå University of Technology, NorskBiobrensel, Elkem, Eramet, Eyde-Klyingen, Hydro Aluminium, Oplandske Bioenergy, Wai Environmental solutions
Duration: 2023-2026
Contact person: Kentaro Umeki