DFB waste and residue gasification to valuable end products (Waste2Value-level up!)
Background & Objectives
- Experiments in a 1 MW pilot-scale DFB gasification plant including a Fischer-Topschsynthesis pilot-plant based on sewage sludge and plastic waste etc as feedstock
- Operation of the full process chain for production o fhigh-valuable end products (waxes, chemicals, FT-fuel, jet-fuel, P-recovery, etc.)
- The main aim of this project is shifting the possible feedstock range from woody biomass to more difficult feedstocks (biogenic residues, wastes from different sources, e.g., sewage sludge, as well as mixtures of those).
- Luleå University of Technology contributes with expertise in the ash chemistry field, especially regarding ash-bed material interactions and phosphorus-recovery from sewage sludge in the DFB process.
Funding: Austrian COMET program and partners
Partners: E.g. BEST Austria, TU Wien, Luleå University of Technology, Umeå University, Wien Energie.
Duration: 2012-2027
Contacts: Matthias Kuba BEST and Marcus Öhman at Luleå University of Technology.