In order to utilize biomass in steel making processes, it has to be converted to the energy/material carriers suitable for the processes, such as bio-carbon, bio-oil, or synthesis gas.
One of the challenges hindering the development is the lack of detailed knowledge about mass and energy balances of conversion processes and the expected quality to use biomass in the most resource-efficient way.
To increase the knowledge on secondary pyrolysis reactions and their consequences in pyrolysis products yields and quality. Project mainly performs experimental activities related to biomass pyrolysis in an auger reactor.
- Pyrolysis experiments in an auger reactor
- Detailed analyses of bio-carbon and bio-oil
- Evaluation of mass and energy balances
Funding: EU Just Transition Fund and Tillväxtverket (total budget 47.6 MSEK, LTU EnE: 1.6 MSEK) Partners: Luleå University of Technology, Swerim and SSAB
Duration: 2022-2026
Contacts: Kentaro Umeki and Yang Zhang