Trees For Me (Excellenscentrum)
Competence center started in 2022
Ensure sustainable biomass production from fast-growing broadleaves (FGB) with security and flexibility of supply and quality, while reducing target conflicts, and to ensure efficient and sustainable biorefinery value chains for wood-based feedstocks and fuel assortments.
Energy Engineering
Proposes efficient and sustainable thermochemical conversion processes for fast-growing broadleaved species, based on the detailed knowledge onhow tree species, forest management, harvesting, and feedstock handling factors affect:
- fuel composition and physical structure of the feedstock
- the composition and concentrations of the ash forming/inorganic matter in the feedstock
- the fuel conversion in thermochemical conversion.
- the ash transformation and -behavior (e.g., ash composition, -melting, slagging, agglomeration, particle formation) in combustion-, gasification-and pyrolysis processes.
Funding: Swedish Energy Agency (total budget 113 MSEK, LTU EnE: 8 MSEK)
Partners: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, Umeå University, Uppsala University, Skogforsk, 20+ partner companies/organizations.
Duration: 2022-2027
Contacts: Sruthy Vattaparmbil Sudharsan, Ali Valizadeh, Kentaro Umeki and Marcus Öhman