Conflict of goals as opportunity
Learning in the north when green industry meets cultural heritage and circular economy.
Which conflict of aims, challenges and opportunities can arise when green industrial actors establish themselves in places in northern Sweden where people live and work? This is investigated in the project "Conflict of goals as opportunity". The project, which will be carried out in 2023, is interdisciplinary and financed by Vinnova.
The project focuses on three industrial environments – in Borlänge municipality, Gällivare municipality, and Älvsbyn municipality – as so-called "learning cases". For each case, knowledge will be exchanged between different social actors. The cases have been selected because they face similar challenges and opportunities.
The objective is to create forms for knowledge exchange and learning between companies and municipalities, to build up knowledge on how to promote synergies, and to test a GIS-based working method to visualize historical and open data. We are an interdisciplinary group that spans many competencies, such as architects, building antiques, historians and community planners.
Our most important questions include:
- Industrial heritage: How can research contribute to highlighting and describing the historical development (as value and resource) within a municipal context?
- Transition research: How is it possible to investigate what significance a single building or facility can have in the development of the "circular industrial society" when it comes to mobilizing actors for co-creation and generating innovation?
- Practice-based research: Which regulations make it possible to safeguard older practice and execution? (Do we have to judge an existing construction/material against today's demands or is there room to value quality against function?)
Do you want to know more? Feel free to contact one of the project partners:
Sweco Sverige AB (Project Manager)
Charlie Gullström
Elin Bäckersten
Dalarna University
Tony Svensson, Senior Lecturer
Phone: 070-5835850
Organization: Division of Energy and Built Environment, Department of Information and Technology.
Center for Business History
Anders Houltz
+46 73 504 28 25
Dag Avango
- Professor and Head of Subject
- 0920-491573
- Dag Avango