Attractive Employers: Employer Branding in Retail and Tourism & Hospitality
Being able to attract, develop and maintain the right type of competence is becoming increasingly important for companies. In the project "Attractive Employers" (2017- 2019), researchers studied how employers in retail and tourism & hospitality can work with employer branding. The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council and the R&D Fund of the Swedish Tourism & Hospitality Industry funded the project jointly.
The retail and tourism & hospitality industries are closely linked and have a large impact on the Swedish economy. In growing industries, which are rather easy for employees to enter and that struggle with high employee turnover, companies are competing for the best employees. Being able to attract, develop and maintain the right type on competence will be of utmost importance for survival - and for future competitive advantage. In order to attract and retain employees, companies in retail and tourism & hospitality need to be considered attractive as employers. Employer branding is the process of building a strong employer identity toward current and potential employees that differs from their competitors. The purpose of this project is to create new knowledge of how employers in retail and tourism & hospitality can attract and retain talent, and create positive employee feelings toward the employer, through employer branding.
The project will study current and potential employees’ perceptions, experiences and attitudes toward companies as employers. Furthermore, it will investigate how employees’ attitudes and feelings toward their employer affect customer interactions. In order to achieve this, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods will be used: in-depth interviews, observations, structured interviews and surveys. In total, we expect to collect data from 1000-1100 individuals. To ensure relevance and usability of research results, this project is conducted in collaboration with a partner and a reference group from the retail and tourism & hospitality sectors.
Project partner and reference group
News, presentations
Handelsrådet: Personal ska attraheras genom employer branding (Swedish only) External link.
Handelsrådet: Framtidens fysiska mötesplats – uppstartsmöte (in Swedish) External link.
Article from FFM's open kick-off meeting 170913.
Hotellrevyn: Forskning ska ge attraktivare arbetsgivare (in Swedish) External link.