Customer focus for increased use of public e-services (CUP)
How can municipalities and authorities increase the use of their e-services? In this project, which ran 2008-2011, we studied citizens' needs, behaviours and attitudes with regard to public e-services.
Despite benefits and possibilities offered by e-government, the usage of public e-services is not as extensive as it could be. The aim of this project is to contribute to an increased usage of local government e-services by improving knowledge of:
- users/non-users needs, behaviour and attitudes,
- users/non-users perceived challenges and possibilities related to local government e-services, and
- tools and methods that can be used in order to change behaviour and attitudes of various groups of citizens.
The project, funded by VINNOVA, is a joint effort between researchers (Industrial Marketing and e-Commerce Research Group at Luleå University of Technology), municipalities (the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö and the counties of Luleå, Kalix and Skellefteå), service provider (Microsoft), and citizens. Results from the project will be presented in academic journals, at academic conferences, at workshops and seminars, and as popular reports.