Within the MeMo project, which ran 2008-2010, business models for mobile services were studied. A meta-model and a coaching tool for business development were developed.
MeMo - Meta Business Model for Mobile Services
The purpose of this project is to identify business models for mobile services and to propose a meta-business model which captures business potential by collaboration between actors such as service providers, service brokers and customers in a value network.
In the project, researchers from five disciplines at Luleå University of Technology (Industrial Marketing, e-Commerce, Accounting & Control, Social Informatics, and Industrial Organization) are collaborating to:
- Identify and describe business models for mobile services.
- Suggest a meta-business model to create future efficient businesses for mobile service providers.
- Collect experiences made in articles and white papers to be used as a guide in the development of successful business models at the participating companies.
- Present scientific results in publications and at conferences.
The MeMo project is funded by VINNOVA and is performed in close collaboration between LTU and TeliaSonera and some of their present and future service providers. Through the Centre for Distance-spanning Technology (CDT) at LTU and its Living Lab network, a large group of end-users can be reached by the final results.
The project has closed.