ISSUES - Information Security and digital Services for sUstainablE designS
The project engages companies and researchers in collaboration to support development and internationalisation through information-secure digital services. The challenge is to bring together user experience and information security in the early development of services, and to improve the usability of systems with secure behaviour as a guiding principle.
The main objective is to contribute to the MSMEs capacity to internationalize and grow by supporting the design of information secured digital services. Thereby, the project addresses increased understanding for how to manage the threat landscape and its increased cyber-criminality, but also better innovation processes for the development of online services. Introducing digital solutions and services makes it possible to expand the business from local to international markets. The importance to prevent incidents of threats, attacks and breaches increase significantly when companies digitalize their work processes and tasks. This interdependency between information security and digital business is a challenge for sustainable growth.
ISSUES - Information Security and digital services for sustainable design
Programme: Interreg Aurora
Field of action: Competitiveness of SME's
Coordinating beneficiary: Luleå University of Technology
Partner: Centria-ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (1097805-3) (University of Applied Sciences, Karleby and Ylivieska),
2023-01-01 - 2025-12-31
Budget: 683 200 €
Researchers: Åsa Ericson, Anton Holmström, Simon Andersson
Johan Lugnet
- Associate Professor
- 0920-491201
- Johan Lugnet