Research projects on Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Current projects
ADDIFAB - The additive digital supported idea factory 4.0
The ADDIFAB project aims to initiate or increase exports for manufacturing SMEs.
SMART - Surface tension of Metals Above vapoRization Temperature
Within the group of Manufacturing Systems Engineering, the Starting grant from Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council) of Joerg Volpp will investigate basic phenomena about surface tension of metals at high temperatures for 4 years.
I2P - Idea to print
The I2P project has already made possible that Luleå University of Technology now has its first metal 3D printer and can thereby offer services to help companies get started with 3d printing in metal.
PoSAddive - Powder Sheet Additive Manufacturing
The precise AM using loose powder raw materials typically produces a high amount of waste material that, at least in part, can be reused for less than 10 times after sieving.
Completed projects
Sustainable Additive Manufacturing Of Aluminium applications. Funding by EIT RawMaterials.
Luleå University of Technology participates in STIFFCRANK, a European project to develop a new laser...
SPAcEMAN Sustainable Powders for Additive Manufacturing
3D printing of metals is gaining a growing importance in the industry during recent years. This tech...
CINEMA - Towards circular economy via ecodesign and sustainable remanufacturing
The project will strengthen the region's business community and increase cross-border trade, exports...
STEEL S4 EV - STEEL Solutions for Safe and Smart Structures of Electric Vehicles
STEEL S4 EV aims at putting high strength steel at the forefront of a new trend in electric vehicles...
ACCEL - Adapted Chemical Composition of materials for Enhanced Laser welding
The project ACCEL is a "Vinnova produktion2030" that aims to develop and understand advanced chemica...