ADDIFAB - The additive digital supported idea factory 4.0
The ADDIFAB project aims to initiate or increase exports for manufacturing SMEs.
(SMEs) in Upper Norrland by starting a transition to Industry 4.0, especially by increasing their knowledge of, and ability to implement modern sustainable digitized production technologies, specifically additive manufacturing (3D printing, AM) of metallic products.
The project will be based on the support of eight pilot companies with varying degrees of export today and then spread the knowledge and lessons learned to other SMEs in the region. The project makes a current situation analysis of the pilot companies and their potential export markets, identifies customer needs for new products and analyzes them from a business and technical perspective. Demonstrator products will be printed in the project, tested, and documented with digitalization parameters and cost calculation.
The ADDIFAB project is a structural fund project with funding from Tillväxtverket, Region Norrbotten, Region Västerbotten and Skellefteå.