Evaluation of the limits of empirical stability graph method (SGM) for Swedish underground mines
Stoping-based mining methods (e.g. sub-level stoping) have been used in Swedish mines, such as Zinkgruvan mine, Garpenberg mine due to high rate of production and stability after backfilling. However, there are a number of challenges with this mining method, such as dilution due to instability of the hanging wall, roof collapse, seismicity etc. As the mining goes deeper, these challenges will become even higher. The current stope design is based on the data and experience collected in Canadian mines 40 years ago. It needs to be adapted to Swedish mining environment (e.g. rock mass, geology, stress condition, stope geometry) and be improved through new design guidelines.
What are the aims and objectives of this pre-study? The overall aim of this pre-study project is to improve safety and productivity, and reduce the ore losses, dilution and the amount of waste rock by improving the stope design method, i.e., evaluating the limits of empirical stability graph method and improving understanding of the factors influencing stope instability.
The objectives of the proposed project expressed in detail are to: 1) evaluate the limits of empirical SGM used for stope dimensioning by using numerical technique; 2) develop three-dimensional numerical modelling methodology to reconcile field observation; 3) improve the current stope design method with the aid of numerical analysis based on collection of case histories from different rock masses in Swedish underground mines; and 4) develop a project plan for the subsequent full-scale project.
Project partners: LTU, Boliden and Zinkgruvan Mining AB
Project leader: Prof. Ping Zhang
The work is carried out within the Strategic Innovation Program Swedish Mining Innovation (SMI), a joint venture by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.

Ping Zhang
- Professor
- 0920-493016
- ping.zhang@ltu.se
- Ping Zhang