Research projects on Operation and Maintenance Engineering
Current projects
Closing the Loop: Enhancing Railway Assets Circularity through Sustainable Lifecycle Management (CirculaRail)
Railways are proven as sustainable modes of transport, yet environmental concerns arise due to material impacts like steel, concrete, and asphalt. These materials contribute to 80% of the material-related climate impact. Hence, it's crucial to minimize their usage in the construction, operation, and...
Circular economy facilitator for mining industry (CEFMI) - Case study: Wheel loaders and LHD machines
Adapting Urban Rail Infrastructure to Climate Change
For urban planning, it is important to investigate “How climate changes might affect the future investment plans for construction, operation and maintenance for urban railway networks to ensure urban sustainable developments?” and “What will be the required policies and actions in design, constructi...
Electric Road System: System solutions for operation and maintenance
Swedish government (GoS) has focused on realizing a fossil fuel-independent vehicle fleet by 2030 that will require a revolutionary transformation.
Climate resilient railway infrastructure: A System Innovation Approach
The project application aims to develop system-level innovation roadmap and plan toward resilience railway infrastructure in continuation of two relevant projects, namely “CliMaint” and “AdaptUrbanRail”.
Robust infrastructure – Adapting railway maintenance to climate change (CliMaint)
CliMaint Summary : Increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather conditions caused by climate change have a negative impact on rail service performance and related costs. Research has shown that adverse weather conditions are responsible for 5 to 10% of total failures and 60% of delays on th...
Climate adaptation and risk reduction of Swedish railway infrastructure (AdaptRail)
Future transport infrastructure is expected to be more interconnected and complex leading to different types of vulnerabilities and risks affected by changes in climate conditions.
Completed projects
AI-Human Collaboration for improved Situation Awareness in the maintenance domain
The goal of this project is to explore the human abilities to develop Situation Awareness of the cha...
Maintenance Decision Support Models for Railway Infrastructure using RAMS
The goal of railway infrastructure managers is to keep the RAMS parameters of railway system within ...
Life length estimation of rolling stock
This research approaches the problem (MRL estimation of rolling stock) as a system because the vehic...
Due to limited resources and limited land area, the only way to adapt the infrastructure capacity to...
Integrated maintenance strategy review & optimization for rolling stock wheels
This project aims to address the challenge in prolonging the lifetime of rolling stock wheels by dev...
Luleå University of Technology acts as a linked third party to Trafikverket with the responsibility ...
IN2RAIL is to set the foundations for a resilient, consistent, cost-efficient, high capacity Europea...
Improved Condition Assessment through statistical analysis
Advanced statistical analysis of data and signals that are acquired via sensors and control systems ...
Harmonisation of asset management definitions and data quality assurance in rail transport
The project aims to harmonise Swedish-English asset management definitions and to assess operation a...
A physics based framework to predict ballast degradation
Proposing a physics based framework to predict ballast degradation.
Condition monitoring, prediction and management of railway track assets
The aim of the project is to develop a predictive maintenance approach for the Stockholm subway and ...
Condition Based Maintenance of Rail Infrastructure Using Internet of Things Loggers
Develop and field test IoT data loggers for condition based maintenance of rail infrastructure.
Bayesian reliability modelling for railway infrastructure
This new context driven Bayesian maintenance scenario will promote sustainable and cost-effective as...
Automatic detection of railway fasteners and track defects
Automate the inspection of rail fasteners, defect insulation joints and other rail defects, using a ...
Anomaly detection and system diagnostics
The goal is to develop a train based system for monitoring track defects and rail track components
Effects on increased axle load for heavy freight trains
The goal is to investigate and understand the consequences for increasing the axle load on LKAB:s or...
Winter Road Maintenance
This project addresses different measurements technologies for road condition monitoring and the use...