Research projects on Ore Geology
The group is dedicated to advancing sustainable practices in mineral exploration and characterization. Our key research areas include mineral system analysis and ore genetic modelling, resource characterization and tools development, geometallurgical characterization and modelling, and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) research. In addition to our specialized focus, the group adopts a multidisciplinary approach and strong industry collaboration, leveraging advanced multi-scale and multi-dimensional experimental facilities and technical excellence in various ore deposit types, to translate our findings into actionable solutions for the mining sector.
Current projects
PERSEPHONE: Autonomous exploration and extraction of deep mineral deposits
The continuous effort and increased demand of the raw materials are directing the mining companies to excavate minerals at greater depths. This trend is challenging the current mining operations and the existing traditional technologies towards the objective to retain profitability, while achieving ...
Machine learning data fusion for Ore Tracking: Towards real-time implementation of geometallurgical models
This project aims to track the ore from the mine to the processing plant and create predictive models that connects the ore properties in the block model to the actual plant performance. This will be done by integrating 3D geological data with existing mining and operating data using machine lear...
Gamified learning for sustainable mining (MineLearn)
The Gamified Learning for Sustainable Mining (MineLearn) project aims to revolutionize education in the mining industry by developing a gamified learning platform that simulates key components of the mining value chain. By integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles, the platfo...
Geometallurgy of the Zinkgruvan Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu deposit, Bergslagen, Sweden
The project will investigate the deportment of base, critical, precious and deleterious in the various mineralization types found at the Zinkgruvan deposit in Bergslagen, Sweden, and how contrasting ore characteristics impact on ore recoveries.
Exploration criteria in Bergslagen
The Bergslagen district is one of Europe’s most important mining district, and a primary hub for base and precious metal mining.
Critical metals in Zn deposits (ZincedIn)
This pre-study will subject several sphalerite deposits to detailed multimodal, multi-scale and multi-dimensional characterization to develop in-depth understanding of the controls on the distribution of Ga, Ge and In and their implications for ore formation and processing.
Critical metals in orogens (CMiO)
This project aims to investigate the role of metamorphism and tectonics impacting the mobility of critical elements and their concentration into the ore-deposits of critical raw materials that are essential for building sustainable low-carbon societies. This study will generate novel knowledge in th...
Viscaria Cu-Co spacetime
A multi-chronometer approach to date the Viscaria Cu-Fe ± Co deposit, Kiruna. Results will constrain the timing of Cu mineralization at Viscaria and refine the tectonic spatiotemporal framework for this type of Cu deposit in the Northern Norrbotten ore province.
EIS – Exploration Information System
The EIS project (Exploration Information System) is a multi-partner research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research program (grant agreement no. 101057357).
Exploiting Minerals in Mining more Efficiently with Artificial Intelligence
Fürth, Luleå, Berlin, Santiago de Chile: Numerous ore deposits have diminishing concentrations of mineable ore. In order to access the remaining ore, the mining industry uses elaborate procedures that consume large amounts of energy and water.
Rävliden VMS
Textural and chemical characterization of sulphide minerals for improved beneficiation and exploration, Skellefte district, Sweden
NEXT – Develop innovative exploration concepts and technologies
The goal of NEXT Horizon 2020 is to develop new geomodels and novel sensitive exploration technologies which are fast, cost-effective, environmentally safe and socially accepted.
Common Earth Modelling of the Kiruna Mining District
Three-dimensional geological modelling, at deposit/district scale, has become an essential tool in geosciences, with especially vital applications in the field or ore geology. 3D models in general, and common-earth models integrating various datasets in particular, allow for more accurate geological...
PRISMAS/Hydrotrans – migration of geologically stored hydrogen in bedrock
Hydrogen (H2) is key to the electrification of industrial processes and implementation requires large-scale H2 storage.
INSURANCE - Technology development for CO2 capture and the potential for geological storage
Within the project INSURANCE (Utilization of industrial residues for an efficient geological BECCS) we develop a more energy effective technology for capturing biogenic carbon dioxide from the industry for later storage in the Swedish bedrock. The project builds on the BECCS technology (Bio-Energy w...
ECO2GEOS – Economic assessment of the CO2 geological onshore storage potential in Sweden
ECO2GEOS – Economic assessment of the CO2 geological onshore storage potential in Sweden
TAILOR-MADE - Use of mine tailings for CCS/DAC
The industrial green transition causes a larger-than-ever demand of metals. Now researchers in ore geology and biochemical process engineering at Luleå University of Technology will identify for the first time the potential of typical Swedish mine tailings, to be utilized and beneficial for the clim...
Completed projects
Geometallurgical characterization of a complex base metal ore
Arctic Tests - a sustainable testbed in an arctic environment
Arctic Tests offers tests for environment, mankind and mineral. Here we bring together students and ...
Gellivare 4D
Falun Mine
Structural evolution, geochronology, hydrothermal alteration and geometallurgical aspects of the Fal...
SUPRIM stands for SUstainable management of PRIMary raw materials through a better approach in Life ...
Stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag-(Cu)
Conceptual Modelling and Exploration Criteria for Stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag-(Cu) Deposits in Bergslagen, S...
ARN - Alternative mineral raw materials in northern Sweden
With the development of the society, the mining industry of northern Sweden is a leading contributor...
Microanalysis of magnetite
Development of scanning electron microscopy and micro analysis with respect to LKAB processes.
MAP - Micro Analytical Prospecting
By micro-analytical studies of selected ores, we generate a new tool (method) that allows exploratio...
Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from magnetic waste in the WEEE recycling industry and tailings from...
Rockliden VMS
The Rockliden ore characterisation project is part of the work package 1 (Geometallurgy and 4D geolo...
3D Geochemical Model of Ore Deposits in the Skellefte District
Future mining industry in Norrbotten - an engine for innovation and community
The demand for metals on the world market rises, and the Swedish as well as the international mining...
Gold Insight
Tracing Gold-Copper-Zinc with advanced microanalysis.
Nano-scale characterization of ore minerals for an optimized metal extraction process (NanoORE)
VectOre – Exploration criteria for polymetallic sulphide mineralizaton and industrial carbonate
The project is a unique collaboration between the metal-producing industry (Boliden) and the carbona...