ECO2GEOS – Economic assessment of the CO2 geological onshore storage potential in Sweden
ECO2GEOS – Economic assessment of the CO2 geological onshore storage potential in Sweden
The project aims to assess the potential role of onshore geological storage of CO2 in Sweden to understand if this is an option to investigate further compared with other options that takes us all the way to net-zero or negative emissions. This will be done by i) advancing the methodology used in the evaluation of onshore geological storage of CO2 (technical potential), ii) assessing the economic feasibility of implementing geological sequestration of CO2 from Swedish industries, in relation to other storage options (cost estimates of different storage options) and compare these with iii) the marginal cost of alternative carbon mitigation measures from scenario analysis with TIMES-Sweden.
The project is conducted by the research groups ore geology and energy engineering, and project industry partners are Copperstone Resources and BillerudKorsnäs.
The project is funded by the Luleå University of Technology's initiative “Natural resources for sustainability transitions” (SUN).
Glenn Bark, Christina Wanhainen, Anna Krook-Riekkola and Elisabeth Wetterlund
Glenn Bark
- Senior Lecturer
- 0920-491039
- glenn.bark@ltu.se
- Glenn Bark
Christina Wanhainen
- Professor and Head of Subject
- 0920-492401
- christina.wanhainen@ltu.se
- Christina Wanhainen