Microanalysis of magnetite
Development of scanning electron microscopy and micro analysis with respect to LKAB processes.
The project, which is funded by Hjalmar Lundbohm Research Center (HLRC), is run as a so called Round Robin-project, i.e. a project where one and the same sample will be analyzed in several different microanalytical labs and where the results can be compared in order to evaluate the analytical capabilities and quality of the different labs.
By analyzing a magnetite sample (from ore concentrate) from the apatite iron-ores at Leveäniemi and Kiruna (including an international reference sample) in several different labs with WDS capacity an estimate of the potential of the LTU WDS lab can be made. This comparison of labs enables a fine-tuning of the LTU WDS analysis and thereby optimization of in-house iron oxide WDS analysis. High-resolution analysis with laser ablation ICP-MS will generate the “true” composition of the sample since this analytical method supersedes WDS with respect to detection levels of trace elements.
The end-results from the project will be an improvement (method development) of the LTU WDS analytical capacity. The detailed composition of the ore mineral magnetite from the ores Leveäniemi and Kiruna will be investigated which will be of importance for the mineral processing of these ores.
Glenn Bark
- Senior Lecturer
- 0920-491039
- glenn.bark@ltu.se
- Glenn Bark