Nano-scale characterization of ore minerals for an optimized metal extraction process (NanoORE)
This project intends to test whether synchrotron-based techniques can be used in the mining industry to improve the characterization of trace elements in ore samples. Improved characterization could potentially increase metal yield, which would result in more sustainable mining as a larger portion of the ore body is utilized. Another important goal of the project is to introduce the Swedish mining industry, through Boliden Mineral, one of the largest metal producers in Europe, to the analytical possibilities of a synchrotron facility.
The project partners Luleå University of Technology and Boliden Mineral will test how a common characterization method for ore minerals and trace elements, automated mineralogy, stands against a more advanced analysis such as synchrotron-based micro-XRF. A positive effect of the project, if the tests are successful from an industrial perspective, is that the number of potential users of synchrotron facilities increases as another important Swedish basic industry is made aware of the capacity of a synchrotron.
Within the project, we have run analyses at the synchrotron in Taiwan, and also at MAX IV in Sweden.
The project is funded by VINNOVA, and is run as a sub-project within CAMM2 - Linking advanced micro-analytical techniques to develop ore characterization methodology
Project on Vinnova website External link, opens in new window.
Glenn Bark
- Senior Lecturer
- 0920-491039
- glenn.bark@ltu.se
- Glenn Bark