Research projects on Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Current projects
ESUDA-Energy savings through smart use of data
The project aims to develop innovations to analyse the energy demand of buildings under different circumstances by using historical data taking into account weather conditions, building information and the use of the building. This data is used to predict future energy needs in buildings, to balance...
WeSTEAM – Empowering women in STEM through Art Thinking
Despite the great efforts made in EU policies and projects and in policies and projects at national and local level, the participation of women in STEM is still unsatisfactory. Gender inequality is particularly evident in the IT sector, where only 20% of graduates and 18% of IT specialists are women...
Digital urban development – Campus Skellefteå
The project's main idea is to connect world-class research with innovative high-tech companies and the public sector and develop innovative and ground-breaking technical solutions for energy management systems with simulation tools and digital twins.
Completed projects
Dialogica - an interactive conversation application in a computer game environment
Dialogica is an application that is developed to help people with speech difficulties to express the...
WalkAbout – social interaction in 3D
The goal of the WalkAbout project is to investigate opportunities to help children in vulnerable gro...
System Integrated Smart City – Kiruna Sustainability Center
Cities and its built environment consist of many layers of systems or structures, where systems mean...