Laboratory of Process Metallurgy
The laboratory of Process Metallurgy has equipment for research in both pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. Furthermore, the Division of Mineral Processing and Process Metallurgy has a fully equipped laboratory for mounting samples in epoxy for scanning electron microscopy. Part of the equipment is accounted for below.
Pyrometallurgical Equipment
The furnace room is the heart of the laboratory for pyrometallurgy. This room has several furnaces of different types. There are four muffle furnaces with different characteristics in terms of max temperature, heating rate, and atmosphere control. Two of the furnaces have the possibility for deliberate control of heating, holding and cooling via programming.

Muffle furnaces
In addition to the muffle furnaces, the furnace room has a Tamman furnace with the possibility to heat samples to 2000°C. Furthermore, there is a high-frequency induction furnace with coils of two different sizes. The larger coil is positioned in a suitable height for charging material to a melt during trials or sampling during the experiment. The smaller coil is mounted on a rotating axis, which allows for water granulation of melts. Lastly, there are two rotating furnaces suitable for roasting experiments and two tube furnaces. One of the tube furnaces is connected to a chamber that allows for quenching of the sample after finished experiments.

High-frequency induction furnace on a rotating axis
Hydrometallurgical Equipment
In the laboratory for hydrometallurgy, there is equipment for, amongst others, leaching experiments, liquid extraction, and titration experiments. There are an autoclave where leaching can be done with different temperatures, pressures and gases.
There are also equipment to study crystallization at different temperatures
Equipment for Sample Preparation and Characterization
The Division of Mineral Processing and Process Metallurgy has equipment for sample splitting, preparing powder-XRD samples, cutting samples, mounting in epoxy, polishing epoxy samples, and carbon coating before SEM analyses.

Grinding and polishing machine from Struers and the carbon coater
In the laboratory of Process Metallurgy, there are two instruments for thermogravimetric analysis. One of these two instruments is the Netzsch STA 409 with the possibility for gas analysis via quadrupole mass spectrometry. In addition to thermogravimetry, there is a heating microscope (optical dilatometer) with automatic image analysis. This instrument can be used to analyse characteristics of a material in temperatures up to 1550°C.
Through a confocal scanning laser microscope, crystallization and melting of solid samples can be investigated.

Thermogravimetric analysis instrument Netzsch STA 409
Two instruments are available for analysis of chemical composition. Both of these instruments utilize mass spectrometry, one ICP-OES, and one ICP-MS. The latter is connected to a laser ablation equipment. In order to analyse solid samples, the possibility for digestion in different acids or mixtures of acids under high temperatures exists.

ICP-OES from Thermo Fisher
The Division of Mineral Processing and Process Metallurgy has access to X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope equipment. The X-ray diffraction equipment is a PANalytical Empyrean unit with the possibility to run on X-rays generated with a cobalt or copper tube. Furthermore, a furnace may be connected to the instrument, allowing for analyzing the mineralogy upon heating. The scanning electron microscope is a Zeiss Merlin with an Oxford EDS-detector.

SEM micrograph from a cold-bonded briquette used in the steel industry
In addition to the instruments mentioned above, the laboratory is equipped with a glove box where sensitive or reactive material can be handled in inert atmosphere. There is also equipment for determining the CRI/CSR values of coke using ISO 18894. Also, an isothermal calorimeter is available in the laboratory.

The inside of a lithium-ion battery dismounted in the glove box
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