Unique research instrument for process metallurgy
2023 a new unique research instrument in the process metallurgy lab was inaugurated. It is a gift from Boliden AB, a high-temperature confocal laser scanning microscope.
"The special thing about the equipment is that the processes can be studied in-situ. We see this new instrument as an important piece of the puzzle in research connected to both processes and materials in the green transition," says Fredrik Engström, Associate Professor in process metallurgy at Luleå University of Technology
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With the instrument, which is one of the few in Europe, the researchers can study solidification processes during controlled cooling at cooling rates of up to 1000°C/min. In addition, melting processes at heating rates up to 3000°C/min can be investigated.
Fredrik Engström
- Associate Professor, Tmp. Head of Subject
- 0920-491388
- fredrik.i.engstrom@ltu.se
- Fredrik Engström
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