From islands of development to holistic approaches
Constructing innovative, creative and learning organizations within healthcare poses great demands on change agents, managers and leaders. To move from good examples in single projects or units to an overarching practice in a healthcare region is a specific challenge.
With this learning network we want to gather higher managers, units with missions to develop Healthcare, and other key actors in two county councils that previously have worked with this issue. The purpose is to learn from each-other and further develop and test models, solutions, and approaches that can enhance innovative improvement and development in large, complex healthcare organizations.
The participants represent several divisions within Västerbotten and Norrbotten county councils and three universities: Luleå University of Technology, Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University. During workshops connected to action-strategies and participants´ own development work with a focus on a patient centered and process-oriented organization of care we hope to reach the goal of increasing, using and spreading knowledge on different approaches for innovative improvement and development in large complex healthcare organizations. By focusing on managers that are part of different managerial groups we increase the possibilities to an overarching implementation of ideas and solutions important for transferring islands of good ideas to more coherent organizational improvement.
One of the researchers in the project is Rickard Garvare. The project began August 17, 2015 and runs until 31 August 2016. It is funded by Vinnova.
Rickard Garvare
- Professor, Head of Division
- 0920-492295
- Rickard Garvare