ELISE – Elektrisk Lufttransport i Sverige
Elise are building an electric aircraft in Sweden. It is a collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology, KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Luleå University of Technology, Uppsala University, the Civil Aviation Administration and RISE Viktoria research institute with the aerospace industry and other actors.
The name Elise is an acronym for “Elektrisk Lufttransport i Sverige” (Electric Aviation in Sweden). The project is funded by the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova.
In the future, electric flights will be able to accommodate short-haul transports and contribute to achieve the global sustainability goals in Agenda 2030 by reducing emissions and noise, developing sustainable and innovative industries, and enhancing urban-rural interaction.
Sweden has a strong aerospace industry and a transport infrastructure that relies on air travel. The project joins the aerospace industry and technology companies with authorities, health services, police, fire brigades, urban planners, energy companies and transport companies to evaluate how electric aircraft technology best can serve Sweden.
The idea is that in the future, electric flights will be able to be used in shorter distances and contribute to reduced carbon dioxide emissions and also to reduced noise.