Research projects on Robotics and AI
Current projects
Arctic Edge Supply Chain Integration for Interoperability & Enhanced Resilience of SMEs in remote regions
The Arctic Edge project aims to enhance efficiency, resilience, and adaptability in SMEs' supply chain operations in the NPA Region using digitalization. It will develop and implement a cloud-based, IoT, and MQTT technology-driven solution for rural manufacturing NPA SMEs, aiming to optimise supply ...
MINOTAUR seeks to address the exploration drilling problem from a novel and revolutionary perspective, bringing together geological principles and concepts involved in exploration drilling with modern technologies such as robotics, digital twin technology, and artificial intelligence.
UpCycling mIneral and timbeR-based waste from Construction & manUfacturing process industries through eco-design, advanced logistics, quality control and digital solutions
MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge
Robots and other autonomous systems are increasingly being adopted in diverse fields – from healthcare and security to transport and manufacturing – as they become cheaper and smarter. However, a significant gap exists between the current reality of robotic capabilities and real-world requirements. ...
Demonstrating New Generation Robotics and Smart Manufacturing to SMEs in the NPA Region
Optimized management of steel scrap through innovative detection technologies (OptiScrap) project is introducing a new sensor for analysing large-sized pieces which is important for both post-consumer and internal scrap.
G-DRONES aims to demonstrate the autonomous operation of the rapid deployment of aerial robotic solution for aerial inspection of areas after blasting and the overall integration of this technology to the current mining production systems.
BIOeMIND aims to develop and demonstrate a sustainable treatment process for acid mine drainage (AMD). In this concept, we will combine a bioelectrochemical cell, including biological electricity-driven autotrophic sulfate- reduction for the production of sulfide, with an electrochemical cell that i...
Neuromorphic Computing
To understand and explore the computing capabilities of neuromorphic resources, we are currently working as a part of Intel's Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC).
European Space University for Earth and Humanity UNIVERSEH is an alliance of five young and mature universities from five European countries. It was established in November 2020 to develop a new way of collaboration in the field of Space, within the new “European Universities” initiative promoted b...
Beyond UNIVERSEH will develop the research and innovation dimension of the UNIVERSEH European University, an alliance of five partners: University of Toulouse (France), AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland), Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Germany) and University of Luxembourg (Lux...
RIT 2021
RIT 2021 is a collaborative EU funded project with the objective to create sustainable growth in the region of Norrbotten and enhancing its role as Sweden’s leading space region. The partners belong to the academic sector, the business sector and actors within the innovation support system. The pro...
RIT 2022
RIT 2022 is a collaborative EU-funded project with the objective to create sustainable growth in the region of Norrbotten and enhancing its role as Sweden’s leading space region. The partners belong to the academic sector, the business sector and actors within the innovation support system. The RIT...
OPTACOM: Autonomous and optimized orbit control management for a satellite cluster
OPTACOM Project is an industrial collaboration lead by OHB Sweden, while other participants being OHB systems, DLR and Luleå University of technology. The project focuses on developing a decentralized orbit control management algorithms for large satellite constellations to perform several autonomou...
5G Edge Innovations for Mining
5G is currently being rolled out on a broad front in Sweden and offers, in addition to higher data rates and lower delays, a completely new environment for application development where software can be placed dynamically in the cloud and closer to the end user at the edge of the network.
Rebooting manufacturing industry with digitalisation skill development (REBOOT SKILLS) project brings together a novel mix of education providers and professional organizations from five Countries to deliver a bespoke upskilling model of advanced digital skills-based through short training course th...
The ReNAM’s solutions are aimed at pushing the limits of existing autonomy level of the mining machines in critical mining operations by adding a layer of robotics-inspired reactive navigation to the mining machines, while also extending the role of simulation-driven developments for efficient auton...
Aragon's REgional Hub for circularity: Demonstration Of Local industrial-urban symbiosis initiatives (REDOL) aims to address the complex challenge of redesigning five value chains for Solid Urban Waste (SUW) in Aragon region to produce circular products through an Industrial-Urban Symbiosis (I-US) a...
Purity improvement of scrap metal (PURESCRAP) aims to increase the use of low-quality scrap grades (post-consumer scrap) by deploying and applying best available technologies to reduce impurities. This is achieved through novel sensor combinations and analysis supported by artificial intelligence. A...
To develop the digitalized, autonomous and carbon-dioxide-free mine of the future, in collaboration with other globally leading Swedish companies, LKAB initiated SUM, Sustainable Underground Mining in 2018. Significant progress has been made and the engineering group Sandvik has now joined the ventu...
AERO-TRAIN fills gaps between the infrastructure O&M industry and Industry4.0 with the ambition to keep our invaluable assets operational and safe. The AERO-TRAIN general objectives are, in fact, to reduce the costs associated to O&M operations, while increasing the safety aspects related to the ass...
illuMINEation will illuminate important digitalization aspects in underground mining operations in order to achieve the next level of safety, environment and economic performance, and to retain and gain a social licence to operate.
Epiroc has started a new European Union-funded collaboration project together with several mining companies, equipment and system manufacturers and universities. The three-year project, called NEXGEN SIMS, will support new technologies, methods and processes that will enable a more sustainable and e...
The Search for Life
Is (or was) there life beyond Earth? The answer to this question leads underground on planetary bodies in our solar system.
Completed projects
Mine Patrolling Rovers
The aim of this project was to provide the means for supporting the mine operation by a fleet of pat...
Robotics in Elderly Homecare Services in Northen Finland and Sweden
Localization for Autonomous UAVs Systems in Underground Mining
Development of an Autonomous UGV
This project is a collaboration between LTU and the Swedish Space Corporation towards the developmen...
Reconfigurable ROS-based Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Systems
European manufacturing industry faces increasing product variances resulting as a consequence of fre...
Industrial Post Doc from PIIA (Process Industrial IT and Automation)
Pneumatic Muscle Dancer
This is a project that combines principles from the area of biomimetic robotics and arts, with an ov...
VICON - Field Robotics Lab
The Outdoor Motion Capture System (O-MCS) is focusing in the area of fundamendal Field Robotics in u...
SPIRE - IPC: Integrated Process Control based on Distributed In-Situ Sensors into Raw Materials and ...
ICT - Robotics: Collaborative Aerial Robotic Workers
AEROWORKS envisions a novel aerial robotic team that possesses the capability to autonomously conduc...
H2020-SC5-2016-2017 SIMS
The SIMS project aspires to create a long lasting impact on the way we test and demonstrate new tech...
FET-OPEN CompInnova
There is an innovative need for more efficient and reliable damage inspection, reducing time and cos...
ELISE – Elektrisk Lufttransport i Sverige
Elise are building an electric aircraft in Sweden. It is a collaboration between Chalmers University...
DRONESAFE proposes the development of autonomous drones, equipped with gas sensors, to monitor gas t...
EDIS – Electric Flights and Drones in Community Service
Drone technology, remote control, automation and autonomous vehicles are areas with a growing intere...
Multimodal Robotics
This project is a direct collaboration among HONDA HRI and LTU - Robotics in order to define and imp...
MIRAI 2.0 is a collaboration between 19 Swedish and Japanese universities, aiming to contribute to l...
The aim of the project is to produce information and concrete solutions about the new generation of ...
Existing EU policies aiming at strengthening and growth are mainly focused on new developments, omit...
Autonomous cable tunnel inspection
Applied AI DIH North - APARAIT
The primary objective of this project is to demonstrate the potential with the latest technological ...