Construction and evaluation of mine cover systems with upgraded soil
Experience gained from laboratory and pilot tests. The overall aim of the project is to facilitate the design of mine reclamation measures, providing a methodology to design mine covers.
The main scientific objective is to test and validate a stepwise method to design of mine covers, based on column experiments and field tests at Boliden’s mine in Garpenberg, complemented by numerical simulations.
One key outcome is also practical recommendations (dos and don’ts) to guide compagnies through the design and construction of sealing layer built with amended upgraded soil.
- Luleå tekniska universitet (Ltu)
- Boliden Mineral AB
- Mitta AB
- Ecoloop AB
- The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)
This project is carried out within the strategic innovation program Swedish Mining Innovation, a joint venture by Vinnova, Formasand the Swedish Energy Agency.

Christian Maurice
- Biträdande professor
- 0920-491755
- Christian Maurice