Research projects on Soil Mechanics
Current projects
MinImpact – an Interreg Aurora project
Construction and evaluation of mine cover systems with upgraded soil
Experience gained from laboratory and pilot tests. The overall aim of the project is to facilitate the design of mine reclamation measures, providing a methodology to design mine covers.
3D effects on slope stability analysis
In this project, the influence of 3D effects on slope stability analysis will be studied focusing on extend of excavations and distance to the embankment to identify scenarios. The findings can be helpful to improve current engineering practice.
Interpretation of dynamic measurement
The project aims to study how frequency data used to detect defects in tracks and ballast can also be used to describe the embankments properties for larger sections.
Differential Frost Heave Modelling
The project focuses on describing the effect of suction on heave and 2D-thermal modelling. This project is funded by BVFF.
Optimising Light Embankment Piling
The aim of the project is to optimise the design of geosynthetic-reinforced timber piled embankments, a.k.a. light embankment piling. The project is financed by Branschsamverkan i Grunden.
STASIS - sustainable management of disposed sulphide rich soils
Aims to develop methods to inhibit sulphide oxidation and stabilize sulphide rich masses both chemically and physically, using lime, biochar and other amendments.
Green liquor dregupgraded soils as oxygen barrier in mine waste covers
An environmental problem arises when sulfide-bearing mine waste is exposed to atmospheric oxygen, sulfides (often iron sulfides) oxidize and produce acidity.
Modelling for the selection of remediation strategies for TSF
The aim of the pre-study was to develop a strategy to design the remediation for tailings storage facilities with multilayer covers, based on numerical modelling taking advantage of EPM’s experience of numerical modelling and applying this knowledge to climatic conditions in northern Sweden and Finl...
Completed projects
Subsidence of sulphide soils
Long-Term Subsidence is a major problem for road and rail expansion in areas with sulphide soils. Su...
Internal erosion in embankment dams
Since older embankment dams have a tendency to gradually display an increased degree of leakage it i...
Soil behaviourconsidering particle’s shape
Many by-products from mining processes are fine grained silty soils. The materials are known as “tai...
Simulation of movements in dams
Dam safety is an important issue and it is relevant for WRD (Water Retension Dams) and tailings dams...
Mechanical behaviour of stabilized contaminated sediments
Dredging of several millions cubic metre of sediments in ports and fairways to increase depth to big...
Development of Foundation Methods for Buildings in Iraq
Special Emphasis on Buildings Aimed for Education.
Stability of Tailings Dams: Focus on Numerical Modelling
To assess the stability of tailings dams during staged construction and the long term (i.e. 1000 yea...
Dust around mining area
Dust is a primary cause for air quality deterioration and health hazard. Mining is an essential econ...
Snow Mechanics
The research project deals with methods to more effectively use limited amounts of snow in a warmer ...
Prediction of Islands Formation in Tigris River at Baghdad City during Drought Seasons
In recent years, the growth of islands in Tigris River increase due to the shortage of incoming wate...
Performance of Landfills of Hazardous Waste
This research is aimed to study the design and construction of hazardous waste landfills with respec...
Application of GIS to estimate the sediment load in Mosul dam reservoir
Mosul Dam is one of biggest dams on Tigris River in Iraq, which is located in northern part of Iraq,...
Rainwater harvesting (RWH) with application on Nineveh province, Iraq
Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is an old technique experienced in several countries. Some of the earlies...
Snow Management
Innovation management and knowledge transfer from traditional industries to the tourism and hospital...
Dust generation and dust spreading around mining areas
My work is a part of the project dealing with dust generation and dust spreading around mining areas...
A model to forecast problems with bearing capacity
The global tendens is a warmer climate and with that comes problems with thaw on roads.
Freeze dewatering and drying
Thermal treatment for contaminate concentration and transformation of waste to value.
SMP Dev - Small and medium-sized Baltic Sea ports development challenge
Small and medium-sized ports (SPM) compose a significant share of the Baltic Sea Region port network...
SMPorts – Small and medium-sized ports collaboration for efficient supply chains
Small and medium sized ports (SMP) represent a “hidden” potential in Baltic Sea Region (BSR). If the...
Disposal of radioactive waste