Differential Frost Heave Modelling
Differential Frost Heave Modelling
The project focuses on describing the effect of suction on heave and 2D-thermal modelling. This project is funded by BVFF.
Today’s approach in frost heave modelling is one-dimensional, focusing on maximal heave or heave rate which is usually related to uniform frost heave. This has minor effect on pavement performance as differential heave causes pavement cracking and increased roughness. One approach to model the differential heave is to focus on the suction created during formation of segregational ice. Suction and access to water is possible to model in two or three dimensions. Thus if the thickness and horizontal extension of ice-lenses as effect of suction and its influence radius can be estimated. The 2D-heave model could be utilized for example to determine when to execute snow removal in ditches to mitigate the longitude cracking of pavements.
The project is a continuation of the PhD project “Modeling of Frost Heave in Pavement Design External link.” funded by BVFF and is collaborating with the PhD-project “Thaw properties for pavement design
External link.”. The project “Modeling of Frost Heave in Pavement Design” has focused on the effect of net-heat extraction on the heave rate in one-dimensional heave. In this project a laboratory set-up of frost heave cells has been developed. These test cells can be utilized in this project if they are equipped by pore pressure gauges capable of monitor suction pressure.
Research Questions
- What is the contribution of each influencing parameter to ice lens formation?
- How to quantify the effects of those parameters to model two-dimensional heave?
- How can it be used to design pavement in real practice to upgrade the pure classification system of frost susceptible soils?
Tarun Bansal, Jan Laue och Sven Knutsson
Tarun Bansal
- Doctoral student
- 0920-493997
- tarun.bansal@associated.ltu.se
- Tarun Bansal