Modelling for the selection of remediation strategies for TSF
The aim of the pre-study was to develop a strategy to design the remediation for tailings storage facilities with multilayer covers, based on numerical modelling taking advantage of EPM’s experience of numerical modelling and applying this knowledge to climatic conditions in northern Sweden and Finland.
The main deliverable was a numerical model used for the assessment of the function of the reclamation measures to be able to evaluate the performance of various reclamation scenarios for tailings impoundment. At last, having calibrated to the local condition at specific site, the model can be used to optimise the design of the multilayer cover.
The main activities of the project comprised i) a literature survey of model used in the field of mine remediation, ii) a training period originally planned to be done at EPM in Montreal, financed by MSCSA-GEORES project, done remotely because of impossibility to travel and iii) development and application of the model to conditions prevailing at Kittilä mine.
The project was supported by the Swedish Mining innovation which is part of a joint investment in strategic innovation areas (SIP) by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.
Project leader: Luleå University of Technology
Project partners:
Ecole Polytechnique Montréal, Canada, IRME (www.irme.ca External link.) – Institut de Recherche en Mines et Environment.
Agnico Eagle Finland Oy, Kittilä mina (http://agnicoeagle.fi/).
Christian Maurice
- Associate Professor
- 0920-491755
- christian.maurice@ltu.se
- Christian Maurice
Alaleh Ziagharib
- Doctoral student
- 0920-491830
- alaleh.ziagharib@associated.ltu.se
- Alaleh Ziagharib